Our Pop Up Spa Days allow us the opportunity to provide tailored services that help you destress, relax, rebalance. We are currently offering a modified menu of our full service menu.
Our Pop Ups are hosted at various locations in different areas of the metro area,
our next date has not yet been announced.
*Prices are subject to change
Save $5-20 when booking multiple services

The ultimate pampering treatment where long, gliding strokes and kneading techniques are used to calm the nervous system and assist blood flow back towards the heart. This relaxing service helps increase oxygen flow within the muscles, in order to rid the body of toxins, improve circulation and bring calmness to your mind, body and spirit. Recommended to reduce stress.
60 min $80 | 75 min $95 | 90 min $110 | 105 min $125 | 120 min $160 | 180 min $175

This innovative style of massage combines advanced Swedish massage strokes utilizing the biomechanics of Thai massage with the powerful ancient healing art of Thailand. It involves several different techniques of various stretches of the body to increase range of motion and flexibility. It is recommended for clients to receive this style in a 90 min session due to the grave detail that goes into this style of massage.
60 min $80 | 75 min $95 | 90 min $110 | 105 min $125

This type of massage is typically received before, during or after athletic activity but is perfect for anyone with chronic pain, injury/issues in need of release from limited range of motion/flexibility, muscle fatigue, muscle tension, flexibility and the need for assisted stretching. The client assists the therapists by continuous breathing to open muscles.
60 min $80 | 75 min $95 | 90 min $110 | 105 min $125
Deep Tissue

This service is similar to Swedish massage except it focuses on deeper pressure being applied to muscle tissue, tendons, and the release of tension in the muscles. It stimulates the nervous system, reduces chronic pain and muscle soreness. If you have overactive muscles from strenuous workouts, this is the service for you!
60 min $90 | 75 min $105 | 90 min $120 | 105 min $135 | 120 min $170 | 180 min $270
Pre Natal / Post Natal

Prenatal Massage shares many of the goals of Swedish massage, to relax tensed muscles, ease soreness, improve circulation and mobility. It's tailored specifically to the needs of women who are expecting and their changing bodies. It utilizes a comfortable, secure side laying position to avoid undue pressure on a growing abdomen and the lower back. The mother’s body is completely supported by pillows and bolsters. Therapists specifically trained in this type of massage have specific knowledge of the precautions/ contraindications and understand all stages of pregnancy.
60 min $80 | 75 min $95| 90 min $110| 105 min $125

Postnatal is for relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief and other health benefits. Unique postpartum benefits include hormone regulation, reduced swelling, better sleep and improved breastfeeding. More advanced therapy helps restore your body to its pre-pregnancy condition, speeds healing and assists with C-section recovery.
60 min $80 | 75 min $95| 90 min $110| 105 min $125
Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage is a very gentle light massage that helps to direct lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system and cleans toxins, proteins, cancer cells, viruses, and dead cells about 20 times faster than the body is able to do on it's own. Once a large amount of toxins are eliminated, the body is able to relax more deeply and use it's energy more directly to regenerate the cells. People have been known to lose weight, have increased energy level
Without dry brushing 60 min $80 | 90 min $110
With Dry Brushing 75 min $95 | 105 min $125

Stretch massage alleviates strain on your joints and has a slew of other benefits, including: Enhanced flexibility. Improved posture. Increased range of motion, designed to help people perform at their best, ease the muscle pain and tension that comes with activity, and resist injuries.
30 min $50 | 60 min $80

This is an ancient science through the use of essential oils which assists with healing, relaxing and energizing the body. The use of essential oils can affect your mood and alleviate pain. The sense of smell controls emotions and influences the heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion and the immune system. This service also includes our scalp treatment with our signature scalp oil. (Optional if desired)
60 min $85 | 75 min $100| 90 min $115 | 105 min $130

Massage that combines cold and massage therapy all-in-one, commonly used for the treatment of strains, sprains, muscle spasms, pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. This style of therapy combines the cooling response of an ice pack with the effectiveness of ice massage. It reduces the time it takes for soothing cold to penetrate into muscles and begin relieving the aches and pains of muscle strains, sprains and tendinitis.
60 min $80
Hot Stone

This is a style of massage therapy in which water-heated stones to allow the therapist to easily perform deep tissue manipulations. Through a combination of the stones, gentle pressure and massage this treatment relieves muscle tension, stress and can improve skin and muscle tone. The stones help expand blood vessels, which helps rid the body of unwanted toxins.
60 min $90 | 75 min $105 | 90 min $120 | 105 min $135 | 120 min $180

An ancient form of alternative therapy where special cups are placed on your skin to create suction. It is used to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow relaxation and overall well-being as a type of deep tissue massage. *Dry cupping is used with rubber and /or silicone cups. Please note that circular bruising varies from client to client and will disappear within 1-4 days.
60 min $80 | 90 min $100


One of our signature massages along with reflexology for the hands, feet and/or ears.
Long, gliding strokes and kneading techniques are used to calm the nervous system and assists blood flow back towards the heart. Reflexology is when specific reflex points are applied with small movement/pressure on the hands, feet and/or ears to induce a healing response in corresponding organs and areas of the body. Addressing anything from headaches, sinus problems, stomach issues, etc. If sensitivity or tenderness is experienced when an area is kneaded or slightly stimulated, it usually indicates bodily weaknesses or imbalances within the corresponding organ. With repeated practice of applying pressure and manipulating nerve endings (traditionally in the foot), reflexology can help to clear any channels of blocked energy.
Reflexology Only
30 min $50 | 60 min $100
(30 min session can be either Hands or Feet Only, longer sessions can be both Hands and Feet)
Reflexology + Massage
60 min Swedish Massage + 30 min Reflexology $100
60 min Deep Tissue Massage + 30 min Reflexology $125
Reflexology can be added to any of massage services, if time permitted
Paraffin Treatment

Do you have dry, rough or calloused skin? Indulge in a world of softness for your hands and feet. This moisturizing treatment will rejuvenate and help heal the skin and also relieves sore joints, muscles and improves blood flow to treat arthritis, bursitis and other chronic conditions such as eczema and conditions that cause pain and stiffness.
Hands, Feet or Specific Area Only $10 | Both Hands and Feet $20

Dry Brushing

Service that consists of brushing the skin in a particular pattern with a dry brush, typically brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing toward the chest. Helps one achieve the goal of soft and smooth skin with a healthy glow.
Removes dead skin cells
Improves circulation
Opens clogged pores
Promotes tighter skin
Reduces the appearance of cellulite
Energizes the whole body
15 min $15 | 30 min $25
Foot Soak

Types: Relax or Detox
Sometimes you just need a moment to yourself, to let go and just breathe. We have just the answer for you.... a good old fashion foot soak. Epsom Salt is used to help soothe the body, which is a combination of magnesium and sulfate. This salt compound can help flush toxins and heavy metals from your skin’s cells, reduce inflammation, increase circulation and ease muscle cramps and joint pain. As your feet absorb the magnesium, pain-reducing ions are released, relaxing your muscles and nerves and helping them function properly by regulating your electrolyte levels.
Helps to relieve tension and stress
Helps soothe muscles
Helps to hydrate skin
Helps relieves aches and pains
Helps assist with reducing swelling
Helps with detoxification
15 min $20 | 30 min $30 | 45 min $40 | 60 min $50
Hand and Foot Scrub

With this signature service your hands and feet will get the attention they need. This includes exfoliation of dead/dry skin, application of our signature body polish/ scrub, heat therapy and reflexology. Leaving your hands and feet soft, smooth and Re-vitalized! You'll never want another service without this special treat again!
$10 for 15 min (Signature Regen Body Polish) |
$15 for 15 min (Dead Sea Salt Scrub)

BioMat Therapy

15 min $25 | 30 min $40 |45 min $55 | 60 min $70
The core of BioMat technology is a combination of far infrared rays, negative ion effects, and the conductive properties of amethyst channels. These three powerful health stimulators combined produce remarkable healing properties. The BioMat delivers soothing, deep-penetrating heat while stimulating the regeneration of damaged cells in the body. Additionally, it’s a safe and natural way to achieve optimal health now and maintain a stronger, more resilient body in the future. Imagine being able to feel better while you relax in soothing heat. The therapy feels great, while it provides muscle relaxation and temporary relief of the aches pains, spasms sprains strains and stiffness. The client is positioned comfortably on the Mat while deep-penetrating far infrared rays and negative ions go to work. It’s that simple.
reduces stress
reduces muscle tension
reduces aches and pains
relaxation of muscles
increase of local circulation where applied
minor muscle pain
minor joint pain and stiffness
joint pain associated with arthritis
muscle spasms
minor sprains
minor strains
minor muscular back pain
eliminates toxins in the body
Increase blood circulation
alleviate migraines and tension headaches
reduces allergy symptoms
improve immune system function
improve cardiovascular health
burn calories and controls weight
improves muscle tone and skin quality
Vaginal Steam

Vaginal steaming is a holistic health practice where the warmth of steam from customized herbal recipes, gently cleanses the vagina. This powerful form of therapy has numerous benefits that include: relieving menstrual cramps, regenerating damaged tissues, relieving heavy menstruation, ridding the body of bacteria, viruses and fungi, tightening the vagina, ridding the womb of excess waste that contribute to cysts, fibroids, cancers and tumors, strengthening the uterus and stimulating healthy sexual energy.
60 min $65
Anal Steam

Anal steam is an ancient form of healing for men that can positively contribute to their overall health. It has numerous benefits that includes, but not limited to easing intestinal conditions such as constipation, weak digestion and infestations, aids in relieving anxiety, depression, insomnia, reduces inflammation, supports prostate health, can increase the flow of urine, treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and enhances sexual drive by boosting circulation with nourishing cells to stimulate a prolonged erection and prevent premature ejaculation.
60 min $65 | Mobile $95
Ionic Foot Detox

45 min $50 | with Paraffin $60
The Ionic foot detox bath aids in eliminating harmful toxins, foreign matter and heavy metals, the major objective of this treatment is to have healthy cell molecules. Ionic detox foot baths work by ionizing warm saltwater with alternating polarities as you breathe easy and enjoy the sense of well-being that comes from both soaking and cleansing your feet. While your feet bathe, toxins are released from your body. These toxins are often the result of unhealthy eating habits, mainly the consistent consumption of processed foods and saturated fats. We also breathe in other toxins when surrounded by air pollution, and they sit in us when we do not exercise. Foot detoxing helps the body detox through the healing power of ions, because of their powerful charge, the body cleanses more effectively than any other method of detox. The process is safe, relaxing, and non-invasive, with no harmful side effects. The body must be balanced of positive and negative ions in cells and molecules, and this service gives the body a full-body purge for all vital organs.
During this session ions from the module enter the body and begins to neutralize tissue acid waste known as reverse osmosis. Your feet are soaked and a special sea salt. The foot bath water contains a special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. During this process positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath process. Allowing the body and blood cells to be re-energized. Eliminating toxins that are stored in fat, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. This also neutralizes the body acid overload and aisd in pH levels being balanced.
Can increase circulation; improve blood pressure and lower cholesterol
Enhances weight loss; increases metabolism
Reduces cellulite, obesity and shrinks stomach to normal size
Relieves headaches, migranes and symptoms of allergies
Ends cravings in caffeine, drugs, sugar and nicotine
Can decrease sleep problems
Reduces inflammation and pain
Signature hot towels application
Moisturizing Oil or Regen Candle

Steam + Ionic Foot Detox

This package includes the ancient form of healing of the vaginal or anal steam service in addition to the ionic foot detox service, during this process positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath process. Allowing the body and blood cells to be re-energized. Eliminating toxins that are stored in fat, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. This also neutralizes the body acid overload and aisd in pH levels being balanced.
Can increase circulation; improve blood pressure and lower cholesterol
Enhances weight loss; increases metabolism
Reduces cellulite, obesity and shrinks stomach to normal size
Relieves headaches, migranes and symptoms of allergies
Ends cravings in caffeine, drugs, sugar and nicotine
Can decrease sleep problems
Reduces inflammation and pain
1 hr and 45 mins $100